Thursday, 1 August 2013

Remain true to You

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting" E.E. Cummings

Remaining true to who you are is often a battle many perceive as hopeless due to influences and opinions formed by people who actually have no idea of the demons you face.

Trying to be as original and unique as you could ever be is a tough battle. Peer pressure, media and often family are your enemies when you are faced with this “dilemma”.

Being original and unique becomes a problem because other people are not strong enough to accept who you are. They cannot handle a being that is equal to them in flesh but stronger than them in spirit. So they make you feel as if you’re the one with the flaws. They make you believe that you’re fighting a meaningless battle when all you are doing is not conforming to the way that they are used to doing, saying or seeing things.

You become the fault when you’re original. That’s what they say. That’s what they believe.

I know different.

Make that conscientious decision today to speak up when there is something you do not agree with and stop fearing that “they” will pull a muff over your mouth because what you’re saying “does not make sense” or is “stupid”.

This reminds me of another quote that I heard at a hip hop production recently. The production handled issues on how you can and should discover yourself by familiarising yourself with your history:

“Nothing (and nobody) can fill the fill the void of self-love. You cannot love yourself if you do not know who you are”.

Be careful of the voices you believe.